
Upper Woodford class - Important Information

PE will be on Monday afternoon and Thursday morning. Please make sure your child has their PE kit in school on those days. Long trousers and PE hoodies are required in the colder weather, please.  

Reading logs and reading books: Please bring these into school everyday. We will use the reading logs to make a note of homework as well as keep a track of your child’s home reading.

Literacy and Maths Homework will both be set on Tuesday and will be due in on the following Monday. Usually it will be a page in a CGP books, an online activity, or a sheet. Please let us know if your child is struggling to complete the homework within a reasonable time.

A new spelling rule to learn will be taught on Fridays. The children are taught a spelling rule each week, as well as being given time to practise words from the statutory curriculum lists. Please practise the word rule and words from the statutory list at home. We will test spellings periodically, ensuring that children are able to apply the spelling rules they’ve learnt, as well as being able to recall words from the statutory spelling list. 

Times tables: Please continue to practise your times tables and mental arithmetic at home. You can do this through playing traditional games and methods, or using an app such as Timestable Rockstars. Children practise weekly to ensure their timestable skills stay fresh!

Reading: Children in Year 5 should be reading daily at home. Even though most children can now read independently, we’d also encourage you to enjoy hearing your child read and to continue to read to them – sharing ideas and thoughts about the text. Children can choose to read a book from the classroom, the library, or from home. Please see the Year 5 Reading Spine for suggestions of our favourite books to read. 

Ideas for home learning in other subjects


Have a look at this website to learn more about the Tudors: History Homework Help


Check on the moon each night and note down how the shape changes over the course of a month.

Ask your parents to download a night-sky app to help you to identify star formations!


Interview a muslim friend about their experience of reading the Qu’ran

Create or copy some Islamic Art patterns


Create a powerpoint on a topic of your choice!