Meet the Governors

 (Click a name to read more)


Mrs Rachel Martin

School Business Manager, Clerk to the Governors

Finance and Audit Committee

Date of appointment: 01/09/2021

Jacqui Goodall – Chair of ASEC

I have worked in education for over thirty years with experience of headship and governance.  Although I have mainly worked in the secondary sector, it is a delight to work with primary schools as it is here that pupils learn the basic skills and knowledge that will equip them for life-long learning and their future aspirations.   It is a privilege to support the School in its aims to ensure all children become confident, competent and caring learners, within its safe and secure Christian environment.


I can be contacted on


Teacher Governor

Mrs Donna Young

Head teacher

Date of appointment: 11/09/2020

I have been at Woodford since 1999 and I am the head teacher, part of my role is SENCo. I love my job as no day is ever the same!
Outside of school, I enjoy walking my dog, being in the garden and going on sunshine holidays.

Mrs Amanda Iles

Area of focus – Music

Buildings and Ethos committee

Date of appointment: 12/03/2019

I have lived in the Woodford Valley for almost 30 years, and have a daughter at the school. As a Foundation Governor I hope to further strengthen the school’s links with the local church and wider community. With a background in Town & Country Planning I am particularly interested in the maintenance and development of the buildings and outdoor spaces of the school. In my spare time I enjoy gardening, craft and partaking in the arts.

Mrs Verena Huntley

Area of Focus Early Years and Art

Buildings and Sites committee

Date of appointment: 01/09/2015

I was previously a Parent Governor for 12 years having had 3 children at the school between 1996 and 2012.  My specialist area is Early Years and I run Little Orchard Preschool.  My reason for being a governor is to promote the safeguarding, wellbeing and education of the children in a school whose ethos I share.

Rev Dr Mike Perry

Area of Focus: ICT

Ethos Committee

Date of appointment: 01/09/2017

Vicar of the Woodford Valley with Archers Gate, Foundation Governor and Trustee of Woodford Academy. I have been a vicar for just over twenty years, with the last six in the Woodford Valley.  With a background in research biology I have a passion for Christian care of  the natural world and issues of global justice.

Mr Colin Martin

Mrs Susie Vivian

Area of focus: Design & Technology

Finance and Audit and Ethos Committee

Date of Appointment – 13/01/2021

I’ve lived in the Woodford Valley for the last 11 years. My background is in business and I was managing director of a marketing communications agency for a number of years. I’m currently a director of my husband’s training & coaching company with responsibility for finance. I’m also a researcher for a media database company and a telephone bidder for a local auction house.

Parent Governor

Mrs Nina Griffin

Area of focus – Science

Curriculum committee

Date of appointment: 19.12.21

I currently have two girls at Woodford Valley and I take a keen interest in the school as a whole, especially the curriculum. I am Parent Governor and I am hoping to build strong links between parents and the school.

My career is within Healthcare, I am a Senior Nurse at SDH, working in all areas of Medicine and Surgery.

A few interests of mine are walking, cycling, kayaking and chicken husbandry.