

Reception pupils are gently assessed within the first two weeks of starting school using a baseline assessment package, apart from the routine Standard Assessment Tests at age 7 and 11 and a phonic test at aged 6, no further examinations are taken. Non-Statutory tests are taken at Years 3, 4 and 5, and parents notified of their results.

Children’s progress is monitored from the moment they join school. Records are kept in all National Curriculum subjects as well as in personal and social achievements such as music or swimming. Continuous assessment is made by class teachers and careful records kept throughout the school.

Evidence if achievement is stored in personal folders within each class. At the end of each academic year parents are sent a school report and given the opportunity to view the child’s work. Regular Parents Evenings are held so that parents and teachers can discuss progress.

Children are also involved in self-assessment, and with the help of teachers, in setting targets for improvement.

A table describing the age of pupils and the key stage to which they refer

Key Stage Year GroupPupil Age(majority at the end of school year)


Performance measure site


Assessment 2023

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Date modified: 01-09-2023

Assessment 2022

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Hits: 117
Date modified: 09-09-2022