

Art Overview 

 ‘Art develops spiritual values and contributes a wider understanding to the experiences of life, which helps to build a balanced personality.’    

Bridget Riley  

We believe Art fosters a sense of freshness, discovery and a growing awareness of the world around us.  It promotes fundamental qualities of imagination and self-expression which enrich learning and life.  We believe it helps us to view the world and community around us with respect, to treat it with dignity and recognise the wisdom it has to offer.   


Our intent is to provide a broad, balanced and creative approach to art ensuring the curriculum has scope and  is inspiring, challenging and an enjoyable experience for all children.  


To implement this, we provide a carefully sequenced Art Curriculum of quality, range and depth which stimulates and builds on children’s art skills, knowledge and understanding.  Giving children opportunities to design and complete artworks in a range of art forms and offer opportunities to explore the arts of diverse cultures.  Our aim is to ensure that teachers have access to regular and continuing professional development that refreshes their own creativity and keeps them up to date with developments in the arts.  We provide opportunities for all children to exhibit their work, as well as taking and encouraging them to see work exhibited and performed by professional artists.  We also build partnerships and work with local community and parents on art projects.   


The impact of our Art Curriculum can be seen in our Art folders which are kept by all year groups and sketchbooks which are kept from Year 2.  These are used to record, develop and evaluate our work.  In addition to this, we display our artwork, creativity and achievements throughout the corridors of school and hold events for whole school projects and artist collaborations which we share with our wider community.  

Jo Rackham Art Lead November 2024

Art Overview Nov 24 JR                                                        Art Progression of Skills Nov 24 JR